5th-Kiku 5-th Kiku 「Hamamatsu as a Multicultural City」PR Video. 5-th Kiku's promotion video. Our theme is "Hamamatsu as a Multicultural City". Next!「INTRODUCTIONS」 2020.10.01 5th-KikuEnglish
4th-Hoshi water We human beings have destroyed nature by developing technology. As a result,many new problems which we must solve had a... 2020.09.30 4th-HoshiEnglish
4th-Kiku 4kiku Black and White Motive We noticed that we are just trying to figure out a racial discrimination which got an attention again. S... 2020.09.29 4th-KikuEnglish未分類
5th-Yuki 1. Opening Contents 1.Opening 2.Around Hamamatsu station 3.Smile with Hamamatsu 4.Together with the global soc... 2020.09.29 5th-YukiEnglish
5th-Yuki 2. Around Hamamatsu Station We will explain the problem of the hollowing out of the Hamamatsu Station area. Mall street (left) Yu-raku s... 2020.09.29 5th-YukiEnglish
4th-Fuji ~HOGEN~ Our class looked at dialects !! What is dialect? The language system of a region when a language is consider... 2020.09.29 4th-FujiEnglish
5th-Kiku 1.INTRODUCTIONS Thank you very much for opening our page‼‼ Our theme is "Hamamatsu as a Multicultural City". Do you know that the nu... 2020.09.29 5th-KikuEnglish
5th-Yuki 3. Smile with Hamamatsu Hamamatsu has a lot of charm, and it fils your heart with happiness. Hamamatsu Castle It is a castle bui... 2020.09.29 5th-YukiEnglish
5th-Yuki 4. Together with the Global Society Overseas Connections Many companies in Hamamatsu City offer a variety of services to foreigners and are taking v... 2020.09.29 5th-YukiEnglish
5th-Yuki 5. Movie and Map 1 Map of Tourist Attractions in Depopulated Areas To prevent the depopulation of the outskirts of Hamamatsu ... 2020.09.29 5th-YukiEnglish